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Tuesday, March 15, 2016

fur and purrs

Woke up at 3:30 am, stressed, not able to sleep and over thinking everything. I got out of bed, planning to read, possibly sleeping on the couch, and I was joined by Peanut. We settled in, Peanut cuddled into my arms, over my chest in full purr mode.

I stroked her soft black fur for more than 45 minutes as she went back to sleep, now how can anyone be stressed while petting a cat, in full relax position?

She finally moved at 4:15 and I pulled out my nook until 5 am, when we both got up for the day. Routine kicked in, fold the blankets, check for the paper, FEED the Peanut, make the coffee, go out for the paper as Peanut follows down the stairs and waits patiently as I come in to race her back upstairs.

Today is total chaos with the added worry that mom-in-law fell yesterday, mom sees cardiologist for the first time since hospital stay and I am missing a 2 pm meeting after two meetings at work this morning, whew!

Beware the "ides of march" - tired, the morning after
"....time to make the doughnuts" I loved that commercial, I believe it showcases the everyday life we all lead.