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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Cat Tales

Travis, at rest
Travis looked over his domain.  It was only 5:00 in the morning so all was quiet.  He had just come out to the back porch landing overlooking the back yard, three stories below.  He could see neighbor's yard with trees beginning to bud.  

This is his favorite time of the year, still cool but a hint of warmth in the air contemplates stalking into the dew below.

He thinks to himself: I've had a good life.  I remember coming to this home when kitten.  I fit into mommy's hand and she called me her ball of fur.  Mom let me play on the lawn, showing me where I can go and where I had to be careful.  I remember that she bought me bells to wear on my neck.  I looked rather cute, if I say so myself. 

I came here in May, oh so many years ago.  Richie, the young boy was only 8 or so.  I know that the first toys I had were his cars and sometimes I got a piece of ribbon to play with.  I still like a colorful piece of ribbon.  Chris, the older boy, takes a shine to me immediately and I know we will become fast friends.  The first thing did was establish my schedule.  I got outside early so I can let the neighborhood riff-raff know that I was in charge. 

Eileen observes:
Travis is 16 years old in human years.  He used to spend most of the day outside, sleeping throughout the day but always aware of any animal coming onto his territory.  Now he sleeps inside, cuddled up on a chair.  He goes out at 5 in the morning and because it is so cold, he is in by 5:15.  Coming up the stairs he is often quite slow and sometimes I can almost feel the arthritis pain he is feeling because of his earlier surgeries. 

This morning he went out for a second tour of the yard.  Spring must be coming.  whooo hooo.

Looking out the window and I see Travis chasing another cat out of the yard.  The kitten/protector is still hiding in that fur.  We have been getting more cats in the yard.  This past summer we added a bird feeder and they love watching the birds gather.  We are not the only ones though.  I thought it would be an amusement for Travis but he ignores the birds, again it must be the getting old "thing".  We have a couple of black cats that are now stalking the birds, hiding near the shed as the birds stop to eat.  We find that the birds are not eating the seed that falls to the ground, just to protect themselves from stalking cats.

Travis travels:
I refuse to travel in a carrier. My favorite mode of transport is on mom's shoulder.  I fit nicely but lately I seem to hang off the edge. Maybe mom is shrinking in her old age.  I still like to help out with mom's projects, especially if she is wrapping presents or knitting. I especially like the yarn and ribbons but ripping paper is a thrill in itself. 

When going to the vet, Travis is never in a carrier.  I put him in the car with me and he cries all the way down the hill, a three minute trip to our destination.  I carry him into the office, he acts like the nurse and doctor are his best friends and he is there for their pleasure.  When finished, Travis jumps onto my shoulder for a happy trip home.  The routine never changes and he continues to jump onto my shoulder when he needs extra attention. 


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